Saturday, April 27, 2013


 Pieces and projects that have gone through the full process need to go public, allowing students to share their work with an audience beyond themselves.  When we know others will see our final products, we have a greater desire for excellence. Suddenly, the purpose of revising and editing is clear.

A pool of ideas

  • Write and send a letter to a pen pal, business, author, athlete, musician, public official, newspaper, etc.
  • Display finished work in the home--on the coffee table, end table, bookshelf, bulletin board, refrigerator--somewhere that attracts readers to notice and read. 
  • Arrange with a local office to display student work in the waiting room.
  • Take select pieces along when you visit aunts, uncles, and grandparents.
  • Host an authors' party (once? monthly? quarterly?), inviting your children's friends to bring their favorite piece to share. Students can be given stage time, reading aloud their piece to the group, or students can swap pieces, reading and enjoying them all privately. You may want to build in time for feedback, either verbal or written, and snacks. : )
  • Enter a writing contest.
  • Libraries display art from local schools. See if the librarian will do the same with student writing. 
  • Announce project themes (e.g. biography, poetry, heroes, personal testimonies) to a group of student writers. Collect submissions for inclusion in a group book.
  • Start a blog.
  • Begin a public speaking club. Invite students to share speeches they have written.
  • Design a photo book online with informational or story text and accompanying photos.

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